Right Wing Wife

I am a Christian Conservative housewife and mother of four who loves to write. I particularly like to relate the silly little seemingly mundane things in my life to the bigger topics of politics and religion. I am very frustrated by the lack of passion IN this country FOR this country, as well as what appears in recent years to be a mass exodus from God. My objective for writing a blog is to make politics and religion more accessible to average people like myself –make them see, very often in a lighthearted and non-threatening manner, that it is relevant to their lives and more importantly to the lives of their children.

I have very definite views that aren’t always popular with the majority, but if you go to church regularly and listen to conservative talk radio, you will probably find yourself agreeing with me more often than not. And even if you don’t, I may just get you thinking and then talking and that’s always a good thing. The ONE feature of my blogs that my kids like is that I always start with a discussion totally unrelated to politics and religion so there is plenty to be read and absorbed before I start getting too preachy. So please stop by, take a look, and let me know what you think. Leave a comment. I blog to make a difference and I would really like to know if I am. I  TRY to post at least twice a week. God Bless!

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